jueves, 8 de marzo de 2012

8 Marzo

Wordle: 8 MARZO

La idea de esta entrada parte de visibilizar las mujeres importantes de nuestra vida, al hilo de lo cual Marian Moreno Llaneza, dice lo siguiente "Gracias a todas las mujeres que me han hecho como soy: mi madre que me enseñó a ser autónoma, mis hermanas que me demuestran el valor del trabajo, mi sobrina que es una luchadora, mis amigas del alma que me quieren sin condiciones, mi pareja que me sustenta, mis profesoras que me enseñaron y guiaron, mis autoras preferidas que me llevaron a mundos posibles, mis revolucionarias que me unieron a su barricada, mis conocidas que me sonrieron, mis ciberacompañantes que me dan la red para no caer al vacío, mis alumnas que dan sentido a mi vida profesional y a mí misma porque aprendí que ser mujer, feminista, lesbiana y curranta es la felicidad. Hoy, más que nunca, a la calleeeee, que se nos oiga, que se nos vea y que no piensen que la ignorancia nos devolverá a la inexistencia".

Da un paso más en esta tarea,  Santiago Romero García "hombre/agente coeducación", representando modelos de "nuevas masculinidades" en nuestro IES y jefe de estudios, que nos envía el siguiente texto en inglés:


I didn´t know her. She died when my mother was young, but she must have been an extraordinary woman. I don´t know too much about her, but when my mother tells me same stories of my grandmother, I feel very deep sentiments.
She taught my mother that she would have to fight harder than men if she wanted to be successful in her life.  That she would have to work without reward, without someone encouraging her or being grateful for it.
She spent her life bringing up children, washing and mending clothes and cooking food for her family and other neighbouring families. Because she was so generous and shared their food with her poor neighbours. It was war time.
She was an extraordinary person.
She instilled values of honesty, fairness and respect and she gave a strict education.
She wanted my mother to have the opportunity to decide her future, supporting her career as a dancer. But her husband didn´t allow it. In fact, he decided that my mother had to leave school to help  my grandmother.
She was an extraordinary mother.

She was pretty and a great lady; despite that, she had a pain in her heart because she had to share her husband with other women. She couldn´t do anything about this, only stand in silence. Pain and grief were so strong that she fell ill.
At this time my mother worked as a teacher but the health of my grandmother was getting worse. My mother had to leave her job in order to take care my grandmother.
Finally my grandmother died and with her, my mother´s future. She followed her same steps. It was the fate that my grandmother wanted to avoid.
My mother has learned the same values, hard work, and spirit of sacrifice accepting her life as it unfolded, but she is tired of swimming against the tide.
My mother and grandmother are extraordinary women, but not more than other women in the world who have sacrificed their lives locked in the trap of their homes.
They represent millions of women who lost their dreams, their vocations and talents in a kitchen.
Nowadays, their efforts are having effect, but they are not alone, the fight must go on, now pushed by women and men around the world.
It´s not their fight. It´s our fight.
All of them were and are extraordinary women.
We owe it to them.

Reflexionemos, escribamos y si queréis... compartir.(en español o en inglés!!)

Gracias, porque es la segunda vez (o más, si si muchas más) que me ayudas en estas tareas. Acuérdate de aquella foto del monumento a la mujer en los inicios de este blog. 
Gracias Santi por tu colaboración.